Chris Delpierre Podiatry & Chiropody in Romsey
Expert foot solutions for 20 years
Chris can help alleviate and eliminate your foot, ankle and lower limb pain.
The Running Clinic

Foot & Ankle Pain
Custom Orthotics Lab
Hand made orthotics….with a little help from the latest CAD-CAM technology!
Frequently asked questions to help guide you before you book an appointment with Chris Delpierre Podiatry
Podiatrists are medically trained health practitioners that are specialised in the study, diagnosis and treatment of problems in the foot, ankle, and any related structures of the leg.
Also known as edema, swelling in the feet and ankles may have a number of causes. If you do not have an acute injury, such as a sprain or strain, the most common causes of swollen feet and ankles are:
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Lung disease
- Poor circulation
Chronic or repeated swelling in the lower extremities may cause a variety of complications, including ulcers and infections. Talk to a podiatrist as soon as possible.
The most common cause of heel pain when you first wake is plantar fasciitis. You may feel similar pain when walking after sitting for a prolonged period.
Plantar fasciitis occurs when the plantar fascia, a band of tissue connecting the heel bone to the rest of the foot, becomes inflamed. During rest, the band becomes tighter. Stretching before putting weight on your feet can help relieve symptoms of plantar fasciitis.
An ingrown toenail is when the nail grows inward, curving toward the skin, rather than straight out. Ingrown toenails are typically painful, causing the skin around the nail to become red and swollen. If left untreated, the toe may become infected.
Please note that self-treatment for an ingrown toenail nearly always makes it worse. A podiatrist trims the nail properly to ensure it grows back correctly. They also provide instructions to help you avoid ingrown toenails in the future.
General Foot Care appointments are 45 minutes. Musculoskeletal assessments are 60 minutes.
It can be very helpful if you bring the shoes you most frequently wear, such as work shoes, gym shoes etc. Please also bring any previous medical imaging of your feet or legs, such as x-rays, ultrasounds, CT, MRI. If you have previously had inserts or orthotics, please bring these also… whether they were helpful or not!
Our Patient Reviews
“I am now able to go for a 2 hour walk with no pain…I feel like I’ve got my life back!”