Sports Injury Clinic Romsey

Sports Injury Clinic Romsey

Suffering From a Sports Injury? We Can Help

Our Romsey Sports Injury Clinic specialises in diagnosing, treating, and rehabilitating sports injuries. We aim to help athletes and active individuals return to their peak performance.

We use advanced technology and proven treatment plans to provide leading care. This care helps reduce pain, promote healing, and improve mobility. Our clinic helps with many injuries, offering personalised rehab programs for fast and successful recovery.

Runner's Knee

By far the most common, Runner’s knee can account for as much as 40% of all running injuries. Quite a broad term, Runner’s Knee can be used to describe a range of knee conditions described as patellofemoral pain syndrome. A significant part of treatment is to correctly align your knees using the right shoes and/or prescription insoles.


Short for Illio Tibial Band Friction Syndrome, this nasty menace can really ruin your day. ITB presents as an extremely painful stabbing pain on the outside of the knee and is a sure sign of some biomechanical problem somewhere along the line. Treat it with exercises, stretching and of course, check that you’re in the right shoes!

Plantar Fasciitis

Possibly the most common foot pain of all, plantar fasciitis has stopped many a runner in their tracks. Every clinician will have their own favourite method for attacking this monster but there is no doubt that the correct shoes and prescription orthotics can make a big difference.

Shin Splints

It’s only fair to show this injury some respect and call it by its full names: Tibial Periostitis or Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome. Call it what you like, Shin Splints will bring your running to an abrupt halt. Can be caused by overuse, incorrect training techniques and, worn out or incorrect running shoes.

Achilles Tendinopathy

The biggest, strongest tendon in the body, the Achilles tendon connects two major muscles to the heel bone. When put under strain it can quickly become inflamed and painful and can also become a long-term problem. Help prevent or treat this debilitating injury with the correct running shoes and/or prescription orthotics/insoles.