Did you know that diabetes is responsible for nearly half of all non-traumatic lower-limb amputations in the UK?
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How insoles can help

Foot ulceration is a major complication of diabetes and could have a disastrous effect on your quality of life.

And the good news? It’s almost entirely preventable.

How? Well, firstly it would help to get your blood sugar under control, stop smoking, lose weight and exercise regularly. But then you already knew all that.

Secondly, a regular diabetic foot check will determine your foot health and risk status.

Finally, Diabetic insoles are bespoke orthotics designed to optimize your foot function and spread your weight evenly in the shoe, reducing wear and tear on your feet.

A full biomechanical assessment as well as a digital pressure scan on your feet will identify potential problem areas. Custom orthotics, fitted to the correct footwear can a go a long way in preventing foot ulceration.


  • Please book General Foot Care appointment
  • 45 Minute appointment
  • Doppler circulation analysis
  • Neurological assessment
  • Digital pressure plate analysis
  • Please book Musculoskeletal Assessment with Orthotics
  • 60 Minute appointment
    All of the above and…. 
  • Lower limb biomechanical assessment
  • Gait analysis
  • 1 pair of prescription orthotics
  •  30-minute fitting appointment
  •  30-minute follow-up appointment

Our Patient Reviews

“Chris Delpierre provided me with all the help I could have asked for. Definitely very knowledgeable.”