Recurring episodes of ingrowing toenails, with or without infection may require a procedure called Nail Wedge Resection.


How Nail Surgery Can Help

Recurring episodes of ingrowing toenails, with or without infection may require a procedure called Nail Wedge Resection.

This is a small procedure done under local anesthetic which is extremely effective at permanently fixing an ingrown toenail.

Our specialist nail surgery is done by my brother, Tom Delpierre

Tom has more than 18 years’ experience as a podiatrist. He specializes in the care of the High-Risk foot and has taught nail surgery at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.

Tom is also one of the very few podiatrists in the Solent area with prescribing rights which means he can prescribe antibiotics for infected ingrown nails without the need for a GP visit.

Tom can perform nail surgery within his clinic or as a home visit.

Please contact Tom directly at

Our Patient Reviews

“Chris Delpierre provided me with all the help I could have asked for. Definitely very knowledgeable.”